Monday, 23 January 2012

Professional Facebook Page

Today in my ALES 204 lab I learned how to create a professional Facebook page. I made this page because I believe it will be useful as an online resume. Having a professional Facebook page is different then just having a Facebook profile because in my page I am classified as a public figure. The information is more formal and less casual. It is a professional profile containing employment related information such as goals, skills, education, interests, and job experience. It also includes references. This can be a useful tool for potential employers to access my information.  Although for now my page is anonymous and some of the content is fabricated for the purpose of this assignment, I would like to develop a professional page that can be used for future employment.

The purpose of having a professional Facebook page is to showcase who I am as a professional. This goes beyond the basics of qualifications and standard resume formats. It is more personal than a resume because it goes beyond the standard information that a resume provides. It is more of a personal portfolio that can be updated and revised instantly. Because Facebook is a social networking site, having a professional page can increase potential job opportunities through social networking and "common interests" or friends who like your page.

These are some Professional Facebook pages of people who I find interesting:!/pmharper!/pages/Jordan-Eberle/55351994680

If you're interested in Nutrition check out this blog:

Monday, 16 January 2012

Introductory Post

Hey! My name is Angela. This is my first blog and I am excited to get started. I am in my second year at the University of Alberta. I am in Human Ecology majoring in Family Ecology and minoring in Child and Youth Development. Communication is very important in my field of study because when working with people, especially children, a comprehensive knowledge and application of communication skills is essential.

I primarily use communication to stay in contact with my friends and family. Most often I use Facebook but recently I have joined Twitter. I enjoy using Facebook because I feel like it is a more complete view of what a person is doing and what they are in to. I enjoy reading my friends and family's statuses and updates as well as viewing their photos. I have not quite grasped the Twitter phenomenon but I am learning slowly. I think it is pretty cool that you can follow a celebrity or a favorite sports team and instantly be up to date on what's happening. Even though it is less detailed then Facebook the information seems to be transmitted faster and more candidly-like a snapshot of a person's life at that particular moment.

As technology becomes even more popular and widely used children are exposed to its many pros and cons. It is important to understand the significance of this form of communication in my field of study because it becomes a major part of  family life and a child's development. For example, if a child is being cyber-bullied it is important to understand how communication through technology has made this possible and take appropriate action. Communication can play a positive role in increasing a parents' accessibility to their children. An example of this is a parent who has gone away for a business trip or is in the military using Skype to connect with his or her family. This has many implications for the dynamics of family life.

Photo taken by Shehzadi
External family life blogs:

Internal blog: